On-line Story Booth

Stories are a powerful tool to ensure that we do not take our public health care system for granted. That’s why we want you to hear about your experience with the public health care system.

Have you benefited from our universal public health system? Do you have a story about the need for even greater coverage, or a problem with a private care provider?

Take part in our nation-wide on-line story booth to help remind people of the importance of health care, the need to expand it, and why public delivery matters.

Your story may even be featured on our website or turned into a video (we will contact you before this happens).

Here are some testimonies we have already collected.

And now is your turn, what’s your story about the Canadian health care system? Have you benefited from our universal public health system? Do you have a story about the need for even greater coverage, or a problem with a private care provider?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

* The CHC reserves the right to edit your story and will contact you before posting it on the website.


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Canadian Health Coalition