About Us

“Unless there is a concerted effort to apply pressure on the Federal and Provincial governments, the erosion of Medicare will continue unabated and might even be accelerated. Our best hope lies in the Canadian Health Coalition…for the preservation and extension of Medicare.” – Tommy Douglas

The Canadian Health Coalition (CHC) was created at the S.O.S Medicare conference in 1979 to ensure that the best possible health care would be available for all Canadians. Unions joined forces with health care professionals, women, consumers and faith-based organizations to form the CHC. Up until then, organizations had been lobbying individually for the adoption of a national, comprehensive health care program for all Canadians. The CHC allows these organizations to advocate with a unified voice and work together towards a common goal.

Left to Right: Tommy Douglas, Justice Emmett Hall, CHC Founder Jim Macdonald from the Canadian Labour Congress.


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Canadian Health Coalition